Using the System Summary
The System Summary window (see Figure 77) provides an overview of important
3494 information.
The System Summary window contains the following:
Operational mode
Shows whether the subsystem is in Auto, Auto Pending, Pause, Pause
Pending, Manual Pending, or Manual mode. See “Using the Mode
Pull-Down” on page 99 for an explanation of the operational modes.
Library Manager
Shows whether the library manager is Online Pending, Online, Offline
Pending, or Offline to the attached tape control units. See “Using the Mode
Pull-Down” on page 99 for an explanation of the Online and Offline states.
Direct attach ports
Shows which of the direct attached ports are initialized. Each installed port
is shown from left to right (0–3 and/or 8–B). If a port’s number appears, that
port is initialized. A ‘–’ shows that the port is not initialized, and a blank
shows the port is not installed.
CU ports (RTIC 0x)
Shows which serial control unit (CU) ports are initialized. Each installed port
is shown from left to right (0–F depending on port configuration). If a port’s
number appears, that port is initialized. A ‘–’ shows that the port is not
initialized, and a blank shows the port is not installed.
CU ports (LAN 1x)
Shows which LAN attached control ports are initialized.
Host LAN ports
Shows the total number of initialized LAN attach ports. If no LAN attach
ports are initialized, a Not Initialized message is displayed. A dash shows
that no LAN ports are initialized.
Convenience I/O
Shows whether the Convenience Input⁄Output Station is/has:
v Not installed
v Not available
v Empty
Figure 77. System Summary Pop-Up Window
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 131