The following are the push-buttons:
Eject Initiate the stacked volume eject operation. You are prompted to confirm the
eject operation. Select Yes to continue the eject operation. Select No to
cancel the eject operation.
Close the panel immediately, changes are saved.
Help Display the Eject a VTS Stacked Volume help panel.
Set VTS Category Attributes
The Set VTS Category Attributes pop-up window allows categories to be defined as
“Fast Ready” categories. A Fast Ready category means that any category mounts
from this category can be accomplished without recalling data from a stacked
volume. This enables quick mount times since a recall is not required to satisfy the
mount request.
To define a “Fast Ready” category, enter the 4 digit hexadecimal category number,
select the desired VTS, then select the Add category button.
To delete a category from the “Fast Ready” category list, highlight the category in
the list box then select the Delete category button.
Figure 97. Eject a VTS Stacked Volume Pop-Up Window
166 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide