Table 3. Volume Categories (continued)
(in hex) Name Definition
FF12 Export-Pending
At the start of export operation processing, the VTS
assigns the logical volumes to be exported to this
category to remove them from access by attached
hosts. If the Library Export operation is cancelled or
fails, any logical volumes assigned to this category are
reassigned to the category they were in prior to the
export operation. When a logical volume is assigned to
the export-pending category, the original category
information is preserved.
FF13 Exported Category Once a group of logical volumes to export have been
placed on a stacked volume and all processing for that
stacked volume is completed, the VTS assigns the
logical volumes to this category.
FF14 Import Category Stacked volumes that contain logical volumes to import
into the VTS are assigned to this category. When they
are first added to the library through the Convenience
Input⁄Output Station, they are placed in the Unassigned
category automatically by the Library Manager. Prior to
starting the import operation, the operator must
manually move these volumes into the Import category
via the Manage Unassigned Volumes panel, shown
in Figure 129 on page 202.
FF15 Import-Pending
As part of import operation processing, the VTS
assigns the logical volumes being imported to this
category. If the Library Import operation is cancelled or
fails, any logical volumes assigned to this category are
deleted from the library inventory.
FF16 Unassigned Category J type cartridges are assigned to this category when
the Convenience Input⁄Output Station is in the Import
Mode. Volumes remain in this category until the
operator assigns them to either the Import Category or
the Insert Category, or selects to eject them. Volumes
are assigned to this category by the Library Manager
when they are input via the Convenience Input⁄Output
Station. They are assigned to this category if the
library contains one or more VTS subsystems that
have Import/Export capability.
FF17 Export Hold Category Exported stacked volumes are assigned to this
category by the VTS. This is a ″limbo″ category where
export volumes are placed when the export operation
is completed. The Manage Export Hold Volumes
panel, shown in Figure 132 on page 206, is used by
the operator to cause volumes in this category to be
FF18 to
— Reserved
50 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide