The Performance Statistics window displays the following statistics on the 3494:
v The number of mounts for the previous 7 days
v The number of mounts for the previous 24 hours
v The number of mounts per hour for the previous 24 hours
v The average mount time for the previous 24 hours
v The number of ejects for the previous 24 hours
v The number of inserts for the previous 24 hours
v The number of audits for the previous 24 hours
v The peak number of mounts per hour for the previous 24 hours
v The time when peak mounts per hour occurred
v The number of mounts during the last hour
v The number of demounts during the last hour
v The number of ejects during the last hour
v The number of inserts during the last hour
v A graph of the number of mounts per hour for the previous 24 hours
Hourly statistics are calculated on the hour (7:00, 8:00, and so on).
Figure 68. (Part 1 of 2) Performance Statistics Pop-Up Window
120 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide