Stacked Volumes
If a Virtual Tape Server is installed, the 3590 High Performance Cartridge
Tapes that it will use to store and manage logical volumes cannot be loaded
into the library without first:
v Performing an initial teach of the library.
v Setting up one or more volser ranges that identify the stacked volumes
that the Virtual Tape Server will manage. See “Volser Range for Media
Types” on page 161 for a description of how to enter the volser ranges.
Cartridge Placement
When you place cartridges into the library, performance will be improved if you
adhere to the following guidelines:
v On initial loading of cartridges into the library, cluster cartridges around the tape
subsystems they will be used with.
v For Inventory Update Inserts, place cartridges as near as possible to the tape
subsystems on which you intend to issue mounts for those volumes.
v 3590 cartridges that will be used as stacked volumes for a particular VTS system
should be placed in cells close to those drives associated with the VTS.
Initial Volume Inventory Upload
After the 3494 completes all the initialization operations (including teach and
inventory) and enters the Online state for the first time, the host software requests
an upload of the volume inventory. The information from the library manager
database is uploaded to the attached hosts before host applications can use the
The process to upload the information requires no operator action.
Host Operation Control
The host operation control of the 3494 is operating-system dependent. Because the
3494 operates under a variety of host operating systems, you must be familiar with
the operating system for your library and the required protocol.
For more information about the host operating systems, see the
IBM 3494
Introduction and Planning Guide
and “Related Information” on page xiv.
Actions to Avoid when Operating a 3494
This section gives two lists of actions to avoid when operating a 3494. The first list
(Things you should Never do) is the most important, as these actions can result in
serious problems. The second list is also important, but these actions are more
readily corrected and will result in problems of a less serious nature.
Chapter 3. Operational Characteristics 59