PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 795
Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 3 Switches
Static RARP
An IP address you place in the RARP table for RARP
requests from hosts.
NOTE: You must enter the RARP entries manually.
The Layer 3 Switch does not have a
mechanism for learning or dynamically
generating RARP entries.
No entries page 836
BootP relay
The maximum number of hops away a BootP server
can be located from a router and still be used by the
router clients for network booting.
Four page 840
Domain name
for Domain
Name Server
(DNS) resolver
A domain name (example: brocade.router.com) you
can use in place of an IP address for certain
operations such as IP pings, trace routes, and Telnet
management connections to the router.
None configured page 803
DNS default
A list of gateways attached to the router through
which clients attached to the router can reach DNSs.
None configured page 803
IP load sharing A Dell feature that enables the router to balance
traffic to a specific destination across multiple
equal-cost paths.
IP load sharing uses a hashing algorithm based on
the source IP address, destination IP address, and
protocol field in the IP header.
NOTE: Load sharing is sometimes called Equal Cost
Multi Path (ECMP).
Enabled page 829
Maximum IP
load sharing
The maximum number of equal-cost paths across
which the Layer 3 Switch is allowed to distribute
Four page 832
Origination of
default routes
You can enable a router to originate default routes
for the following route exchange protocols, on an
individual protocol basis:
• BGP4
Disabled page 915
page 957
page 1010
Default network
The router uses the default network route if the IP
route table does not contain a route to the
destination and also does not contain an explicit
default route ( or
None configured page 828
Static route An IP route you place in the IP route table. No entries page 819
The IP address the router uses as the source
address for Telnet, RADIUS, or TACACS/TACACS+
packets originated by the router. The router can
select the source address based on either of the
• The lowest-numbered IP address on the
interface the packet is sent on.
• The lowest-numbered IP address on a specific
interface. The address is used as the source for
all packets of the specified type regardless of
interface the packet is sent on.
The lowest-numbered IP
address on the interface
the packet is sent on.
page 810
TABLE 144 IP global parameters – Layer 3 Switches (Continued)
Parameter Description Default See page...