130 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Managing your IronStack
priority 40
stack enable
stack persistent-mac 60
To display the stack MAC addresses, enter the show stack command.
PowerConnect(config)# show stack
alone: standalone, D: dynamic config, S: static config
ID Type Role Mac Address Prio State Comment
1 S FCX648S active 0012.f2d5.9380 80 local Ready
2 S FCX648 member 00e0.6666.8880 0 remote Ready
3 S FCX624 standby 0012.f2dc.0ec0 40 remote Ready
Current persistent MAC is 0012.f2d5.9380
PowerConnect(config)# stack mac 111.111.111
Error: persistent stacking MAC address timer is configured
The following example shows what the Persistent MAC information looks like in the output of the
show stack command when the Standby Controller becomes the Active Controller.
PowerConnect# show stack
alone: standalone, D: dynamic config, S: static config
ID Type Role Mac Address Prio State Comment
1 S FCX648P active 0000.0000.0000 80 reserved
2 S FCX648 standby 00e0.6666.8880 0 remote Ready
3 S FCX624 master 0012.f2dc.0ec0 40 local Ready
PowerConnect#Persistent MAC timer expires in 59 minutes 52 seconds.
Current persistent MAC is 0012.f2d5.9380
Unconfiguring an IronStack
The stack unconfigure command is a run time command that returns stack units to their
pre-stacking state. When a stack unit is unconfigured, its stacking flash is removed, and its
startup-config.txt flash file is recovered. These actions apply to all units to which this command is
applied, regardless of the role of the unit in the stack.
When the stack unconfigure command is applied to the Active Controller, it removes stack enable
from the run time configuration but not from the startup configuration. If you want to remove stack
enable from the Active Controller permanently, you must enter the write memory command.
When the stack unconfigure command is applied to the Standby Controller or a stack member
(besides the Active Controller) it removes stack enable from the recovered startup-config.txt and
resets the unit.
When a stack unit that did not have an original startup-config file is unconfigured, it becomes a
clean unit. It is possible that this unit could automatically rejoin the stack if its module
configuration matches that of the Active Controller. To prevent this from happening accidentally, it
is best to first disconnect the unit, and then issue the stack unconfigure me command on it.
To remove the configuration from a specific IronStack unit, or from the entire stack, enter a
command similar to the following.
PowerConnect# stack unconfigure 3
Syntax: stack unconfigure <stack-unit> | all | me | clean| rollback]
• stack unit - unconfigure the stack member with this ID
• all - unconfigure every unit including this unit