88 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Deleting a license
Installing a license file
Once you obtain a license file, place it on a TFTP or SCP server to which the Dell PowerConnect
device has access, then use TFTP or SCP to copy the file to the license database of the Dell
PowerConnect device.
Using TFTP to install a license file
To copy a license file from a TFTP server to the license database of the Dell PowerConnect device,
enter a command such as the following at the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI:
PowerConnect# copy tftp license lic.xml
Syntax: copy tftp license <IP_address> <license_filename_on_host>
<IP_address> is the address of the IPv4 TFTP server.
<license_filename_on_host> is the filename of the license file.
Using Secure Copy (SCP) to install a license
SSH and SCP must be enabled on the Dell PowerConnect device before the procedures in this
section can be performed. For details, see the chapter “Configuring SSH2 and SCP” on page 1423.
To copy a license file from an SCP-enabled client to the license database of the Dell PowerConnect
device, enter a command such as the following on the SCP-enabled client.
c:\scp c:\license\license101 terry@
Syntax: scp <license_file_on_host> <user>@<IP_address>:license
Verifying the license file installation
Use the show license command to verify that the license is installed on the device. Details about
this command are in the section “Viewing the license database” on page 92.
Deleting a license
A license will remain in the license database until it is deleted. If you want to delete a license, Dell
recommends that you first disable the licensed feature before deleting the associated license.
To delete a license, enter a command such as the following at the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI:
PowerConnect# license delete 7
This command immediately removes the license from the license database. The CLI commands
related to the licensed feature will no longer be available from the CLI. The licensed feature will
continue to run as configured until the software is reloaded, at which time the feature will be
disabled and removed from the system. Syslog and trap messages are generated when the license
is deleted.
Syntax: license delete <index_number>
<index_number> is a valid license index number. This information can be retrieved from the show
license command output. For more information, refer to “Viewing information about software
licenses” on page 91.