364 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP)
Timer scale
The VSRP Hello interval, Dead interval, Backup Hello interval, and Hold-down interval timers are
individually configurable. You also can easily change all the timers at the same time while
preserving the ratios among their values. To do so, change the timer scale. The timer scale is a
value used by the software to calculate the timers. The software divides a timer value by the timer
scale value. By default, the scale is 1. This means the VSRP timer values are the same as the
values in the configuration.
VSRP-Aware security features
This feature protects against unauthorized VSRP hello packets by enabling you to configure
VSRP-aware security parameters. Without VSRP-aware security, a VSRP-aware device passively
learns the authentication method conveyed by the received VSRP hello packet. The VSRP-aware
device then stores the authentication method until it ages out with the aware entry.
The VSRP-aware security feature enables you to perform the following:
• Define the specific authentication parameters that a VSRP-aware device will use on a VSRP
backup switch. The authentication parameters that you define will not age out.
• Define a list of ports that have authentic VSRP backup switch connections. For ports included
in the list, the VSRP-aware switch will process VSRP hello packets using the VSRP-aware
security configuration. Conversely, for ports not included in the list, the VSRP-aware switch will
not use the VSRP-aware security configuration.
If VSRP hello packets do not meet the acceptance criteria, the VSRP-aware device forwards the
packets normally, without any VSRP-aware security processing.
To configure VSRP-Aware Security features, refer to “Configuring security features on a VSRP-aware
device” on page 369.
VSRP parameters
Table 63 lists the VSRP parameters.
TABLE 63 VSRP parameters
Parameter Description Default See page...
Protocol VSRP state
NOTE: On a Layer 3 Switch, you must disable VSRP to
use VRRPE or VRRP.
Enabled page 368
Virtual Router ID
The ID of the virtual switch you are creating by
configuring multiple devices as redundant links. You
must configure the same VRID on each device that
you want to use to back up the links.
None page 367
Timer scale The value used by the software to calculate all VSRP
timers. Increasing the timer scale value decreases
the length of all the VSRP timers equally, without
changing the ratio of one timer to another.
1 page 368