PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 121
Managing your IronStack
For hitless stacking failover, Dell recommends that you configure the IronStack MAC address using
the stack mac command. Without this configuration, the MAC address of the stack will change to
the new base MAC address of the Active Controller. This could cause a spanning tree root change.
Even without a spanning tree change, a client (for example, a personal computer) pinging the stack
might encounter a long delay depending on the client MAC aging time. The client won’t work until it
ages out the old MAC address and sends ARP requests to relearn the new stack MAC address.
To configure a stack MAC address manually, enter the following command.
PowerConnect(config)# stack mac 0000.0000.0011
Syntax: [no] stack mac <mac-address>
mac-address - a hexidecimal MAC address in the xxxx.xxxx.xxxx format
Enter the no form of this command to return the MAC address to that of the Active Controller.
Output for this command resembles the following.
PowerConnect(config)# stack mac 0000.0000.0011
PowerConnect(config)# show running-config
Current configuration:
ver 7.2.00a 100T7e1
stack 1
module 1 FCX-48-port-management-module
module 2 FCX-cx4-2-port-16g-module
priority 80
stack 2
module 1 FCX-24-port-management-module
module 2 FCX-cx4-2-port-16g-module
module 3 FCX-cx4-2-port-16g-module
stack enable
stack mac 0000.0000.0011
To display the stack MAC address, enter the show chassis command.
PowerConnect# show chassis
The stack unit 1 chassis info:
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 not present
Fan 1 ok
Fan 2 ok
Exhaust Side Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 35.5 deg-C
Warning level.......: 80.0 deg-C
Shutdown level......: 90.0 deg-C
Intake Side Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 33.5 deg-C
Boot Prom MAC: 0012.f2de.9440
Management MAC: 0000.0000.0011
The stack unit 2 chassis info:
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 not present