PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1397
Syslog messages
Informational DOT1X : port <portnum> - mac <mac
address> is unauthorized because system
resource is not enough or the invalid
information to set the dynamic assigned IP
ACLs or MAC address filters
802.1X authentication failed for the Client
with the specified <mac address> on the
specified <portnum> either due to
insufficient system resources on the device,
or due to invalid IP ACL or MAC address
filter information returned by the RADIUS
Informational DOT1X : port <portnum> - mac <mac
address> Port is already bound with MAC
The RADIUS server returned a MAC address
filter, but a MAC address filter had already
been applied to the port.
Informational DOT1X : port <portnum> - mac <mac
address> This device doesn't support ACL
with MAC Filtering on the same port
The RADIUS server returned a MAC address
filter while an IP ACL was applied to the
port, or returned an IP ACL while a MAC
address filter was applied to the port.
Informational DOT1X Port <portnum> is unauthorized
because system resource is not enough or
the invalid information to set the dynamic
assigned IP ACLs or MAC address filters
802.1X authentication could not take place
on the port. This happened because strict
security mode was enabled and one of the
following occurred:
• Insufficient system resources were
available on the device to apply an IP
ACL or MAC address filter to the port
• Invalid information was received from
the RADIUS server (for example, the
Filter-ID attribute did not refer to an
existing IP ACL or MAC address filter)
Informational DOT1X: Port <portnum> currently used
vlan-id changes to <vlan-id> due to
dot1x-RADIUS vlan assignment
A user has completed 802.1X
authentication. The profile received from
the RADIUS server specifies a VLAN ID for
the user. The port to which the user is
connected has been moved to the VLAN
indicated by <vlan-id>.
Informational DOT1X: Port <portnum> currently used
vlan-id is set back to port default vlan-id
The user connected to <portnum> has
disconnected, causing the port to be moved
back into its default VLAN, <vlan-id>.
Informational DOT1X: Port <portnum>,
AuthControlledPortStatus change:
The status of the interface controlled port
has changed from unauthorized to
Informational DOT1X: Port <portnum>,
AuthControlledPortStatus change:
The status of the interface controlled port
has changed from authorized to
Informational Enable super | port-config | read-only
password deleted | added | modified from
console | telnet | ssh | web | snmp
Line password deleted | added | modified
from console | telnet | ssh | web | snmp
A user created, re-configured, or deleted an
Enable or Line password through the Web,
SNMP, console, SSH, or Telnet session.
Informational ERR_DISABLE: Interface ethernet
<port-number>, err-disable recovery timeout
Errdisable recovery timer expired and the
port has been reenabled.
TABLE 239 Syslog messages (Continued)
Message level Message Explanation