74 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Scheduling a system reload
1. Configure a read-write community string on the Dell PowerConnect device, if one is not already
configured. To configure a read-write community string, enter the following command from the
global CONFIG level of the CLI.
snmp-server community <string> ro | rw
where <string> is the community string and can be up to 32 characters long.
2. On the Dell device, enter the following command from the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
no snmp-server pw-check
This command disables password checking for SNMP set requests. If a third-party SNMP
management application does not add a password to the password field when it sends SNMP
set requests to a device, by default the Dell device rejects the request.
Erasing image and configuration files
To erase software images or configuration files, use the commands described below. These
commands are valid at the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI:
• erase flash primary erases the image stored in primary flash of the system.
• erase flash secondary erases the image stored in secondary flash of the system.
• erase startup-config erases the configuration stored in the startup configuration file; however,
the running configuration remains intact until system reboot.
Scheduling a system reload
In addition to reloading the system manually, you can configure the Dell PowerConnect device to
reload itself at a specific time or after a specific amount of time has passed.
The scheduled reload feature requires the system clock. You can use a Simple Network Time
Protocol (SNTP) server to set the clock or you can set the device clock manually. Refer to “Specifying
a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server” on page 23 or “Setting the system clock” on
page 25.
Reloading at a specific time
To schedule a system reload for a specific time, use the reload at command. For example, to
schedule a system reload from the primary flash module for 6:00:00 AM, April 1, 2003, enter the
following command at the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
PowerConnect#reload at 06:00:00 04-01-03
Syntax: reload at <hh:mm:ss> <mm-dd-yy> [primary | secondary]
<hh:mm:ss> is the hours, minutes, and seconds.
<mm-dd-yy> is the month, day, and year.
primary | secondary specifies whether the reload is to occur from the primary code flash module or
the secondary code flash module. The default is primary.