PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1395
Syslog messages
Informational IPv6: IPv6 protocol enabled on the device
from <session-id>
IPv6 protocol was enabled on the device
during the specified session.
Informational MAC Filter applied to port <port-id> by
<username> from <session-id> (filter
id=<filter-ids> )
Indicates a MAC address filter was applied
to the specified port by the specified user
during the specified session.
<session-id> can be console, telnet, ssh,
web, or snmp.
<filter-ids> is a list of the MAC address
filters that were applied.
Informational MAC Filter removed from port <port-id> by
<username> from <session-id> (filter
id=<filter-ids> )
Indicates a MAC address filter was removed
from the specified port by the specified user
during the specified session.
<session-id> can be console, telnet, ssh,
web, or snmp.
<filter-ids> is a list of the MAC address
filters that were removed.
Informational Security: Password has been changed for
user <username> from <session-id>
Password of the specified user has been
changed during the specified session ID or
type. <session-id> can be console, telnet,
ssh, web, or snmp.
Informational <device-name> : Logical link on interface
ethernet <slot#/port#> is down.
The specified ports were logically brought
down while singleton was configured on the
Informational <device-name>: Logical link on interface
ethernet <slot#/port#> is up.
The specified ports were logically brought
up while singleton was configured on the
Informational <user-name> login to PRIVILEGED mode A user has logged into the Privileged EXEC
mode of the CLI.
The <user-name> is the user name.
Informational <user-name> login to USER EXEC mode A user has logged into the USER EXEC mode
of the CLI.
The <user-name> is the user name.
Informational <user-name> logout from PRIVILEGED mode A user has logged out of Privileged EXEC
mode of the CLI.
The <user-name> is the user name.
Informational <user-name> logout from USER EXEC mode A user has logged out of the USER EXEC
mode of the CLI.
The <user-name> is the user name.
Informational ACL <ACL id> added | deleted | modified
from console | telnet | ssh | web | snmp
A user created, modified, deleted, or
applied an ACL through a Web, SNMP,
console, SSH, or Telnet session.
Informational Bridge is new root, vlan <vlan-id>,
root ID <root-id>
A Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) topology
change has occurred, resulting in the Dell
PowerConnect device becoming the root
The <vlan-id> is the ID of the VLAN in which
the STP topology change occurred.
The <root-id> is the STP bridge root ID.
TABLE 239 Syslog messages (Continued)
Message level Message Explanation