PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 133
Managing your IronStack
Dynamic memory: 238026752 bytes total, 182820504 bytes free, 23% used
Stack unit 8:
Total DRAM: 268435456 bytes
Dynamic memory: 238026752 bytes total, 182811440 bytes free, 23% used
Syntax: show memory
Table 25 describes the fields displayed in this output example.
Displaying chassis information
The show chassis command displays chassis information for each stack unit. Output resembles the
following (in this example, a three member stack).
PowerConnect# show chassis
The stack unit 1 chassis info:
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 not present
Fan 1 ok
Fan 2 ok
Exhaust Side Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 33.0 deg-C
Warning level.......: 85.0 deg-C
Shutdown level......: 90.0 deg-C
Intake Side Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 31.0 deg-C
Boot Prom MAC: 0012.f2e4.6e00
Management MAC: 0012.f2e4.6e00
The stack unit 2 chassis info:
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 not present
Fan 1 ok
Fan 2 ok
Exhaust Side Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 32.5 deg-C
Warning level.......: 85.0 deg-C
Shutdown level......: 90.0 deg-C
Intake Side Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 31.0 deg-C
Boot Prom MAC: 0012.f2e3.11c0
The stack unit 3 chassis info:
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 not present
TABLE 25 Field definitions for the show memory command
This field... Describes...
Total DRAM The size (in bytes) of DRAM
Dynamic memory The total number of bytes in dynamic memory, including the number of bytes
that are available (free, or unused), and the percentage of memory used.