Frame Relay Status and Configuration
5-2 Configuring Frame Relay Ports
¥ Frame Relay Management Stats provide an overview of the frame
management (LMI or Annex D) in use on the selected port, displayed via
¥ Frame Relay Congestion Stats provide information about congestion
notiÞcation and discard eligibility frames being transmitted across the port,
also displayed in meters; and
¥ The Frame Relay Errors window provides a single meter, which displays the
current frame discard rate.
These windows and their functions are described in the following sections.
Configuring Frame Relay Ports
Two conÞguration windows allow you to set frame relay operational parameters
for physical ports and speciÞcations for any DLCI conÞgured for a selected frame
relay port: Frame Relay Port ConÞguration, described below, and Frame Relay
DLCI Rate ConÞguration, described beginning on page 5-8.
Port Configuration
Using the Frame Relay ConÞguration window, you can conÞgure some basic
operational parameters for each of your frame relay ports.
To access the window:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the frame relay port of interest to display the Port
2. Drag down to Frame Relay Port Configuration, and release. The Frame
Relay Configuration window, Figure 5-1, will appear.
The statistical windows display their information via the SPMA Meters application; for
more information on how to manipulate and conÞgure these meters, see the SPMA Tools