Trap Messages 3-27
Configuring the Trap Table
SDLC Rem Stn Exceeded window size 711
The number of frames sent by the remote device has exceeded the window size.
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Station Inactivity time exp 712
The timer deÞned by the parameters No Response Poll Period and Maximum
Retransmissions in the SNA Port record has expired.
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action Check the PU to make sure it is operational.
SDLC XID Retries exhausted 713
The retry limit for XID has been exceeded and link establishment has failed.
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Rem Stn sent FRMR—no reason 714
The remote station sent a Frame Reject with no reason.
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Remote RNR limit exceeded 715
The remote station is busy. This could be a hardware or buffer problem in the
remote device.
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action Check the hardware and conÞguration at the remote device.
SDLC Rem Tx Frame exceeds MAXDATA 717
A frame transmitted by the remote station exceeds the conÞgured value for
Maximum Bytes per Frame.
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Rem sent UA in NRM 718
The remote station sent a UA while in Normal Response Mode, which is not
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC No DSR on link 720
A necessary DSR was not received from the DCE.
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action Check the modem to make sure it is operational.