SNA Status and Configuration
7-30 Viewing SDLC Status
RNR Limits
The number of times, since link station startup, when this SDLC link station has
deactivated the link as a result of its RNR Limit Timer expiring, expressed as a
rate (deactivations/second).
Retries Exp
The number of times, since link station startup, when this SDLC link station has
deactivated the link as a result of a retry sequence being exhausted, expressed as a
rate (deactivations/second).
SDLC Link Station Rx and Tx Statistics
The SDLC Link Station Rx and Tx Statistics windows provides information about
the link station trafÞc that is being received and transmitted across the selected
port. To access the windows:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the SNA port of interest to display the Port Menu.
2. Drag down to SDLC LS Rx Stats or SDLC LS Tx Stats, and release. The
SDLC Link Station Rx or Tx Statistics window will appear. The SDLC Link
Station Rx Statistics window is shown in Figure 7-9.
Figure 7-9. SDLC Link Station Rx Statistics