Configuring Logical Ports 5-15
Frame Relay Status and Configuration
3. Click on to create a new entry, or on to edit the entry
currently selected in the list box.
Configuring Logical Ports
A frame relay port can contain multiple logical ports, allowing multiple protocols
to run over a single physical frame relay port. You can conÞgure up to 56 logical
ports in an FRX4000 or SmartSwitch 1800, and up to 56 logical ports per RLP in an
FRX6000. All 56 logical ports can reside on one physical port, or be spread over
several physical ports.
Using the Logical Port ConÞguration window, you can conÞgure some basic
operational parameters for each of your logical ports.
To access the window:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the frame relay port of interest to display the Port
2. Drag down to Logical Port Configuration, and release. The Logical Port
Configuration window, Figure 5-4, will appear.
After you have made system-level changes (such as conÞguring Frame Relay Backup
Groups), you must apply those changes by rebooting the FRX or SmartSwitch 1800
device, or through console management via the [F7] command.
Before conÞguring a logical port, make sure the physical frame relay port on which the
logical port will reside has been conÞgured. Refer to ConÞguring Frame Relay Ports,
page 5-2.