
SmartSwitch 1800 Voice Configuration
12-16 Configuring Voice Interfaces
You can conÞgure a Voice Interface using the Voice Interface ConÞg window. To
access the window:
1. Click on to display the Device menu.
2. Drag down to Voice Interface Configuration, and release. The Voice
Interface Config window, Figure 12-4, will appear.
Figure 12-4. Voice Interface ConÞg
You can conÞgure the following parameters for each Voice Interface:
Interface Number
In this Þeld enter a number 1 to 129. This is merely a sequential number used to
identify the interface.
Peer Node Type
This parameter speciÞes whether the node at the remote end of the frame relay
connection is a SmartSwitch 1800 (select Netlink) or a voice concentrator (select