
SmartSwitch 1800 Voice Configuration
12-4 Configuring System-Level Voice Parameters
Dial Digits
This Þeld speciÞes the number of digits used for speed-dial and auto-dial
numbers. A speed-dial number is a short substitute for a longer number, and an
auto-dial number will be dialed automatically when the receiver is taken
off-hook. The default value for this parameter is 3.
Extended Dial Digits
This speciÞes the number of extended dial digits that must be entered by the user
of attached equipment as part of a dial string when Ext. Digits Source in the Voice
ConÞguration window is set to User (see ConÞguring Voice Ports, page 12-8).
Speed-dial numbers and extended digits can be output by remote voice/fax ports.
Extended digits will be forwarded to the remote end of the frame relay connection
if all of these conditions are met:
¥ Extended dial digits are conÞgured in the speed-dial map;
¥ The parameter Forwarded Digits in the Voice ConÞguration window (see
ConÞguring Voice Ports, page 12-8) is set to All or Extended;
¥ The parameter Ext. Digits Source in the Voice ConÞguration window is set to
If the Þrst two conditions are met, but Ext. Digits Source is set to User, the
operator must enter the extended dial digits to be forwarded.
Setting the number of Extended Dial Digits to a value greater than zero reduces
the number of allowable entries in the Voice Speed Dial ConÞguration window.
When the Extended Dial Digits is 0, up to 512 Speed Dial entries can be deÞned.
When Extended Dial Digits is greater than 0, only 256 entries can be deÞned. The
default value for this parameter is 0.
Ring Voltage/Frequency
This parameter speciÞes the voltage and frequency of the telephone ring circuit.
In two-wire OPX/FXS mode, the SmartSwitch 1800 provides ring voltage to the
telephone when it is called by a remote unit. The frequency of ringing voltage is
variable and is a divide by 1, 2, or 3 of the main AC line frequency. The default
value for this parameter is v80-hz-20-00.
Haiti 509 Peru 51 Zaire, Rep. 243
Honduras 504 Philippines 63 Zambia 260
Hong Kong 852 Poland 48 Zimbabwe 263
India 91
Table 12-1. International Dialing Country Codes
Country Code Country Code Country Code