Trap Messages 3-15
Configuring the Trap Table
Login Password Changed 455
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Operator Logged into Node 456
An async terminal operator has logged into the node via an async PAD port.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Operator Logged out of Node 457
The async terminal operator has logged out of the node via the async PAD port.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
PAD Login File Upd: PADLOG.DAT 458
The Login Þle has been updated.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
IP Route File Upd: IPRSUB.DAT 459
The IP Routing Þle has been updated.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
IP Interface File Upd: IPRSUB.DAT 460
The IP Routing Þle has been updated.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
X.25 CUG File Updated: CUGPAR.DAT 461
The Closed User Group Þle has been updated.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
SNMP Trap File Upd: TRPPAR.DAT 462
The SNMP Trap Routing Þle has been updated.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
SNMP Community File Upd: COMPAR.DAT 463
The SNMP Community Table Þle has been updated.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
LP Buf Usage Under Threshold 464
The situation that caused event 304 has ended.
Severity Informational (Level 4)