
Configuring SNA Ports 7-15
SNA Status and Configuration
Applying Port-level Changes
After you have made any port-level conÞguration changes, your changes will not
take effect until you have done an on-line update. To do so:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the port you have been configuring to display the Port
2. Drag down to On-line Update and release.
SDLC Link Station Configuration
You can use the SDLC Link Station ConÞguration window to conÞgure SDLC link
station entries.
To access the window:
1. Click mouse button 3 on the SNA port of interest to display the Port menu.
2. Drag down to SDLC LS Entries, and release. The SDLC Link Station
Configuration window, Figure 7-4, will appear.
Figure 7-4. SDLC Link Station ConÞguration window