Appendix C Creating PVCs
290 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
Limiting the Signaling SVC range for the virtual port
Before a VCI may be used for a PVC, the signaling SVC range on that vport must be
limited to prevent this VCI from being used by an SVC. In this example, we are
using the VCIs 114 and 115, so we will limit the signaling SVC range to VCI 100.
Before the vport parameter may be set, it must be disabled as shown in the example.
Creating the P2P PVC
In this example, we are using td (traffic descriptor) 5 which was defined in the steps
If the PVC is from one module to another, the PVC setup must be performed on
both modules.
M15-155s8:/>vport set vcirange <vport id> <range>
M15-155s8:/>vport disable 1.1.0
M15-155s8:/>>vport disable 1.2.0
M15-155s8:/>>vport set vcirange 1.1.0 [32..100]
M15-155s8:/>vport set vcirange 1.2.0 [32..100]
M15-155s8:/>vport enable 1.1.0
M15-155s8:/>vport enable 1.2.0
M15-155s8:/>pvc setup pp <vci1index> <vci2index> [<td1> [
M15-155s8:/>pvc setup pp 5 5
<vci1index> The first VCL for the PVC connection in the format <slot.port
<vci2index> The second VCL for the PVC connection in the format
<slot.port number.vpi.vci>
<td1> This refers to the transmit traffic descriptor of the first VCL
and the receive traffic descriptor of the second VCL on the
PVC connection.
<td2> This refers to the receive traffic descriptor of the first VCL and
the transmit descriptor of the second VCL on the PVC
Note:if td2 is omitted then it defaults to the same as td1