Chapter 6 Managing Virtual Ports
80 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
Virtual Port Signalling Information
Virtual port signalling information
To display signalling information for a virtual port, enter the
vport sig stats
The vport sig stats command displays the high-level statistics (see Table 6.5).
The vport sig stats all command displays all protocol statistics for the
virtual port (see Table 6.6).
M15-155s8:/>vport sig stats <vport id> [all]
M15-155s8:/>vport sig stats 8.3.0
The virtual port identifier is displayed as
<slot>.<port>.<virtual port number>.
[all] Displays all protocol statistics for the virtual port (see Table 6.5).
If all is omitted, only high-level statistics are displayed (see Table 6.5).
Table 6.5 High-level statistical output from the vport sig stats command
Field Description
Statistics Info. The number of times signalling has been started
and stopped on the virtual port.
Stack up count The number of times signalling has come up since
it was last started on the virtual port.
Stack down count The number of times signalling has gone down
since it was last started on the virtual port.
Number of restarts The number of times signalling has been restarted
since it was last started on the virtual port.
Q.SAAL up count The number of times Q.SAAL (data link protocol)
has established a link to its peer since it was last
started on the virtual port.
Q.SAAL down count The number of times Q.SAAL (data link protocol)
has lost the connection to its peer since it was last
started on the virtual port.
Signalling type The signalling version on this virtual port (i.e.,
UNI 3.1)
Signalling side The signalling profile on this virtual port (i.e.,