Chapter 10 Managing PNNI Routing
Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide 157
Set the PNNI summary address prefix
Use the following command to set a PNNI summary address prefix.
Enable the PNNI summary address prefix
To enable pnni summary address prefix use the following command.
Note: When a pnni summary address is enabled summary show State = advertising
and RowStatus = Active.
Disable the PNNI summary address prefix
To disable PNNI summary address prefix use the following command.
Note: When a PNNI summary address is disabled summary show State = inactive
and RowStatus = notInService.
M15-155s8:/>route pnni config summary set <type> <prefix> <len> <suppress>
I(nternal) or E(xterior)
The ATM address prefix. Each octes is in hex and is separated by a
length of the prefix in bits (0-152)
T(rue) or F(alse)
Internal level number. 1 is the lowest (physical) node
set I 39.84.0f.80.01.bc.61.de. 104 F 1
M15-155s8:/>route pnni config summary enable <type> <prefix> <len> <level>
I(nternal) or E(xterior)
The ATM address prefix. Each octes is in hex and is separated by a
length of the prefix in bits (0-152)
Internal level number. 1 is the lowest (physical) node
enable I 39.84.0f.80.01.bc.61.de. 104 1
M15-155s8:/>route pnni config summary disable <type> <prefix> <len> <level>