Chapter 19 Upgrading Avaya M770 ATM Switch Software
248 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
Deleting a file from the flash memory bank
To delete a file from the flash memory bank, use the
flash delete command. You
will be asked to confirm the deletion.
Note: Once a file is deleted it cannot be recovered. The file must be downloaded
again. You must not delete the config.data file during normal operation, as this will
reset all the LANE configuration on the module.
If you want to reset the module’s LANE parameters to the factory defaults, delete or
rename the config.data file. The module will create a new config.data file based on
LANE factory defaults.
Renaming a file in the flash memory bank
To rename a file in the flash memory bank, use the
flash rename command.
M15-155s8:/>flash delete <filename>
M15-155s8:/>flash delete m770ATM
<filename> The name of the file you wish to delete from the flash
M15-155s8:/>flash rename <old_name> <new_name>
M15-155s8:/>flash rename m770ATM fieldrelease
<old_name> The current name of the flash file.
<new_name> The new name you wish to assign to the file.