Chapter 6 Managing Virtual Ports
Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide 91
Viewing ILMI information for a virtual port
To display ILMI MIB information for the remote end of a virtual port, use the
ilmi show command.
The ilmi show command displays the information described in Table 6.8.
Type The type of connection.
PP: Point-to-Point SVC.
PMP: Point-to-Multipoint SVC.
PVC:PP: Point-to-Point PVC.
PVC:PMP: Point-to-Miltipoint PVC
RES: Reserved circuit.
DD_802.5: LANE Data Direct Token-Ring VC
DD_802.3: LANE Data Direct Ethernet VC
MC_802.5: LANE Multicast Token-Ring VC
MC_802.3: LANE Multicast Ethernet VC
LES_MESH: Distributed LES SVC mesh
BUS_MESH: Distributed BUS SVC mesh
DIAGNSTIC: Diagnostic
SIG: Signalling.
M15-155s8:/>ilmi show [<vport id>]
<vport id> The virtual port is displayed in the format:
<slot>.<port>.<virtual port number>.
If no virtual port id is entered then ILMI information is
displayed for all virtual ports.
Table 6.8 Output from the ILMI show command for a specific virtual port
Field Description
Stack Type The Stack Type that the remote device uses for signalling. This
can be UNI 3.0, UNI 3.1, UNI 4.0, IISP 3.0, IISP 3.1 or PNNI 1.0
The UNI type that is used. This is either Private or Public.
IP address The IP address of the remote device attached to the virtual port.
Table 6.7 Output from the vport connections command (Continued)
Field Description