Chapter 11 Managing the Management LEC
164 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
Viewing information about the management LEC
To view information about the management LEC, use the lane lec
show command.
The lane lec information command displays the information described in
Table 11.1.
M15-155s8:/>lane lec show
Table 11.1 Output from the lane lec show command
Field Description
BIA The switch’s BIA, which will be used as the management
LEC’s MAC address, if the LAA address is not set.
LAA The LAA, which will be used as the management LEC’s
MAC address if set. If zeros are displayed, the management
LEC will use the BIA.
LEC State The operational state of the management LEC.
• Initial State
• LECS Connect
• initial Registration
• bus connect
• operational - This is the final state of the LEC.
ELAN name
The name of the ELAN that the management LEC is
currently registered with.
ELAN name
The name of the ELAN that the management LEC will
attempt to register with when it is restarted.
ELAN type
The type of ELAN that the management LEC is currently
registered with.
LAN type
The type of ELAN that the management LEC will attempt to
register with when the LEC is restarted.
LES address The ATM address of the LES where the management LEC
has registered its address.
Maximum frame
size (bytes)
The maximum frame size that the ELAN can support. The
value is obtained from the LES.