Chapter 19 Upgrading Avaya M770 ATM Switch Software
242 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
Upgrading Software via TFTP from the Command Line Interface
To download files to the ATM Module via TFTP use the procedure outlined below.
This example explains how to download version 2.0 software.
1 Before downloading a new software version, it is recommended to take a
snapshot of your current module configuration. If it is needed to revert to a
previous version, it is best to use the configuration that was used with that
version. To take a snapshot use the system snapshot command.
2 Before you can download software updates via TFTP from the CLI determine
how many S/W Main images and Boot Loader versions are in flash memory.
To display a listing of the flash memory, use the
flash directory command:
The Main S/W image is of the type “MAIN,” and the
* means that this image
will be used on the next reboot (to see the current Main S/W version, type the
command /version). The Boot loader image is of the type “BOOT,” and the +
next to it means that this Boot loader will be used on the next reboot.
The M770 ATM module flash memory can hold a maximum of two Main S/W
versions and two Boot loader versions. This means that before you can TFTP a
new Main or Boot loader software version, there can only be one of that type in
flash memory. To delete a file from flash memory, use the
flash delete
command and confirm the deletion.
M15-155s8:/>system snapshot <filename>
M15-155s8:/>system snapshot snap1408.txt
Flash and NVwrites stopped...
Snapshot saved to Configuration file 'snap1408.txt'
M770s8:/>flash directory
Flash Filing System contains 5 files
BOOT+ 423865 m770ATMbl.2.0.3
TEXT 8611 config.data - do not delete
1005795 m770ATM.1.1.7
1012725 m770ATM.1.2.14
CONFIG 1024 snapshot_1.1
M15-155s8:/>M770s8:/>flash delete <filename>
M15-155s8:/>M770s8:/>flash delete m770ATM.1.2.14
<filename> The name of the file you wish to delete from the flash