Chapter 18 Managing Events
238 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
To set the event logging priority level, use the event log command.
Displaying or setting the event trap priority level
When an event occurs the switch will dispatch a trap, via SNMP, to all attached
SNMP network management stations. All events in the M770 ATM Switch are
assigned a priority level between 1 and 16, in order of severity. For examples of
priority levels, see Assigning an Event Priority Levelearlier in this chapter.
You can specify a priority level for event traps that will be dispatched. Once you
have assigned a priority level, all event traps assigned with this priority, or higher,
that occur on the switch will be reported. By default, all events on the M770 ATM
Switch are dispatched as traps.
To display the event trap priority level, use the event trap
To set the event trap priority level, use the
event trap command.
M15-155s8:/>event log [ <number> | all | none ]
<number> An event priority level is assigned, where events with the
same priority or higher will be logged.
all All events will be logged. This can cause the event log to fill
up quickly.
none No events will be logged.
M15-155s8:/>event trap
All events are being dispatched as traps.
M15-155s8:/>event trap [ <number> | all | none ]
An event priority level is assigned, where events
with the same priority or higher will be
dispatched via SNMP traps.
All events will be dispatched via SNMP traps.
No events will be dispatched via SNMP traps.