List of Commands in the Command-line Interface
II Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
lane lecs location local 192
lane lecs location remote 192
lane lecs priority 193
lane lecs resilient create 196
lane lecs resilient delete 196
lane lecs resilient show 194
lane lecs stats 198
lane les busstats 208
lane les clients 203
lane les create 200
lane les delete 201
lane les elan 206
lane les mode 206
lane les peers 207
lane les restart 205
lane les show 201
lane les state 204, 205
lane les stats 204
password * 27
pport disable 49
pport enable 49
pport reset 54
pport set framing 50
pport set length 52
pport set loopback 53
pport set mapping 52
pport set payloadscrambling 50
pport set txClock 53
pport set txrate 51
pport show 40
pport show counters 43
pport show ds3counters 43, 44, 45
pport show plcpcounters 43, 48
pvc disable 106
pvc setup 103
pvc show 105
route add 118
route delete 119
route pnni config admin set 145
route pnni config admin show 144
route pnni config atm_addr show 145
route pnni config default 145
route pnni config interfaces aggrToken 148
route pnni config interfaces default 148
route pnni config interfaces show 146
route pnni config interfaces weight 148, 256
route pnni config level set 149
route pnni config level show 148
route pnni config node_id default * 150
route pnni config node_id set * 150
route pnni config node_id show * 150
route pnni config oper show 151
route pnni config pg_id default 152
route pnni config pg_id set * 152
route pnni config pg_id show * 151
route pnni config pgle default 153
route pnni config pgle set 153
route pnni config pgle show 153
route pnni config restrict_transit default 154
route pnni config restrict_transit set 154
route pnni config restrict_transit show 154
route pnni config show 142
route pnni config summary default 158
route pnni config summary disable 157
route pnni config summary enable 157
route pnni config summary remove 158
route pnni config summary set 157
route pnni config summary show 155
route pnni config svcc default 159
route pnni config svcc set 160
route pnni config svcc show 159
route pnni config timers default 161
route pnni config timers set 161
route pnni config timers show 160
route pnni local link 131, 148, 261
route pnni local memory 133
route pnni local nbr 133
route pnni local ra 136
route pnni local switch link 137, 141
route pnni local switch ra 138
route pnni topology general 124
route pnni topology hlist 125
route pnni topology link 125, 126
route pnni topology node 127