Administering Options for the 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones
Issue 2 December 2007 93
VU_MODE 0 Visiting User mode. Determines, if and how the
telephone supports Visiting User capabilities:
0 = Off; the telephone operates "normally" and "Visiting
User" has no essential impact for normal operation.
1 = Optional; the telephone prompts the user at
registration time if they are Visiting or Not.
2 = Forced; the telephone only allows Visiting User
VU_TIMER 36000 To Be Determined
32 Time in seconds the SIP application will wait for a register
response message. If no message is received,
registration is retried. Range is 1-60 (seconds).
WMLEXCEPT " " (Null) Exceptions domains for the WML browser proxy server. If
WMLPROXY is resolved and WMLEXCEPT is null, the
HTTP proxy server defined by WMLPROXY is used for
all transactions of the WML browser application. If
WMLEXCEPT is not null, the HTTP proxy server is only
used for the URLs whose domains are not on the
WMLEXCEPT list. Format is zero or more strings in DNS
format, separated by commas without any intervening
WMLHOME " " (Null) Home page for WML browser. If this parameter is null,
the telephone will not display the browser option under
the "A" Avaya Menu. If non-null the URL specified is
retrieved via HTTP and rendered in the Web page
display area, when the WML browser application is
initially accessed. Value is zero or one URL.
WMLIDLETIME 10 Number of minutes of inactivity until the Web browser will
display the idle URL. When the Web idle timer reaches
the number of minutes equal to this parameter, the
telephone sends an HTTP GET for the URI specified by
WMLIDLEURI. Valid value is 1-999. Note that the web
idle timer starts only when access to the WML browser is
provided by an application line under the "A" Avaya Menu
and the parameter WMLIDLEURI is non-null.
WMLIDLEURI " " (Null) URL of web page displayed after idle timer expires. Note
that the web idle timer will only be started when access to
the WML browser is provided by an application line under
the "A" Avaya Menu and the parameter WMLIDLEURI is
non-null. Value is zero or one URL.
WMLPORT 8080 TCP port number to be used to access the HTTP proxy
server by the WML browser application (if defined by
WMLPROXY). Valid value is 0 - 65535.
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
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