
DHCP Server Administration
Issue 2 December 2007 59
In Table 10, the 9600 Series IP Telephone sets the system values to the DHCPACK message
field values shown.
Windows NT 4.0 DHCP Server
Verifying the Installation of the DHCP Server
Use the following procedure to verify whether the DHCP server is installed.
1. Select Start-->Settings-->Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Network icon.
3. Verify that Microsoft DHCP Server is listed as one of the Network Services on the
Services tab.
4. If it is listed, continue with the next section. If it is not listed, install the DHCP server.
Table 10: DHCPACK Setting of System Values
System Value Set to
DHCP lease time Option #51 (if received).
DHCP lease renew time Option #58 (if received).
DHCP lease rebind time Option #59 (if received).
DOMAIN Option #15 (if received).
DNSSRVR Option #6 (if received, which might be a list of IP Addresses).
HTTPSRVR The siaddr field, if that field is non-zero.
IPADD The yiaddr field.
LOGSRVR Option #7 (if received).
MTU_SIZE Option #26.
NETMASK Option #1 (if received).
ROUTER Option #3 (if received, which might be a list of IP Addresses).
SNTPSRVR Option #42.