Administering Telephone Options
90 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Administrator Guide SIP Release 2.0
SIP_PORT_SECURE 5061 Default SIP port (for secure message transfer via TLS).
Values range from 1024 - 65535.
is 0 (non-Avaya environment) and the telephone initiating
the conference ends the call, the other parties will be
dropped unless SIPCONFERENCECONTINUE is set to
1 (continue conference call without initiator). If this
parameter is set to 0, the capability is turned off and the
phone ends the conference when the initiator hangs up.
SIPDOMAIN " " (Null) SIP domain name for registration. 0 to 255 characters:
string representing domain name.
SIPPORT 5060 Default SIP port (for non-secure message transfer only).
Values range from 1024 - 65535.
SIPREGISTRAR " " (Null) List of SIP registrar server IP or DNS address(es).
Server(s) used to address SIP registrations, if operating
in proxy mode. In case of several entries, the first
address always first, etc. In some third-party
environments the SIP proxy and SIP registrar may be
different servers. In this case, the SIP registrar will be set
using SIPREGISTRAR. If both functions are provided by
the same server, it is not necessary to set the
SIPREGISTRAR (i.e., this value will remain null). Zero to
255 characters: zero or more IP addresses in dotted
decimal or DNS name format, separated by commas
without any intervening spaces. Only set via SET
command in settings file if you are operating in a
non-Avaya environment. In an Avaya environment, this
value is not applicable, because this is always identical to
SIPROXYSRVR " " (Null) SIP proxy/registrar server IP or DNS address. Zero or
one IP Address. Format is dotted decimal or DNS format,
separated by commas, with no spaces (0-255 ASCII
characters, including commas).
SIPSIGNAL 2 SIP signaling transport protocol. Values are:
2=TLS over TCP
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
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