Administering Options for the 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones
Issue 2 December 2007 75
parameter indicates how transfers are performed:
0 = attended transfer
1 = unattended transfer
CALLFWDADDR " " (Null) The URI to which calls are forwarded in 3rd party
(non-Avaya) environments only.
CALLFWDDELAY 1 Third-party (non-Avaya) environments only. Specifies the
number of ring cycles generated at the phone before the
call is forwarded to the Call Forwarding Address, if call
forwarding on "No answer" is selected in 3rd party
environments. Valid number of ringing cycles are 0-20.
CALLFWDSTAT 0 Third-party (non-Avaya) environments only. Specifies the
sum of the allowed Call Forwarding permissions. This
parameter controls which of the Call Forwarding Feature
Buttons are made visible and active for the user in 3rd
party environments. Valid values are:
0 = no Call Forwarding permitted.
1 = Call Forward Unconditional only permitted.
2 = Call Forward Busy only permitted.
4 = Call Forward No Answer only permitted.
Others = sum of Call Forward types permitted.
CNAPORT 50002 Transport-layer port number to be used for registration to
CNA server for network analysis. Valid range is 0-65535.
CNASRVR " " (Null) List of CNA server IP or DNS address(es). Used to
connect to CNA server for network analysis (in case of
several entries first address always first, etc.). Format is
0 to 255 characters: zero or more IP addresses in dotted
decimal or DNS name format, separated by commas
without any intervening spaces. Currently set to a
maximum of 5 servers.
CNGLABEL 1 Indicates whether end user can personalize button
labels. Valid values are:
0=User cannot change button labels
1=User has ability to change button labels
CONFIG_ SERVER “” (Null) Address of Avaya configuration server (currently, this
parameter, when used, is set to the PPM server
address). Format is dotted decimal or DNS format,
separated by commas, with no spaces (0-255 ASCII
characters, including commas, optionally followed by
colon and port number).
0 Indicates whether or not secure communication via
HTTPS is required to access the configuration server.
0 = Use HTTP.
1 = Use HTTPS.
2 = Use HTTPS if the SIP transport type is TLS,
otherwise use HTTP.
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
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