
DHCP Server Administration
Issue 2 December 2007 55
Table 9: Parameters Set by DHCP
Parameter Description
HTTPDIR Specifies the path name to prepend to all file names used in HTTP GET
operations during startup. (0 to 127 ASCII characters, no spaces.) The command
is “SET HTTPDIR myhttpdir”. The path (relative to the root of the HTTP file
server) where 96xx telephone files are stored. If an Avaya file server is used to
download configuration files over TLS, but a different server is used to download
software files via HTTP, set the path of the Avaya server in the DHCP site-specific
option, and set HTTPDIR again in the 46xxsettings.txt file with the appropriate
path for the second server. HTTPDIR is the path for all HTTP operations except
for BRURI.
HTTPPORT Destination port for HTTP requests (0-65535, default is 80).
HTTPSRVR IP Address(es) or DNS name(s) of HTTP file server(s) used for file download
(settings file, language files, code) during startup. The files are digitally signed, so
TLS is not required for security.
ICMPDU Controls the extent to which ICMP Destination Unreachable messages are sent in
response to messages sent to closed ports so as not to reveal information to
potential hackers. The default is 1 (sends Destination Unreachable messages for
closed ports used by traceroute).
ICMPRED Controls whether ICMP Redirect messages are processed. The default is 0
(redirect messages are not processed).
L2Q 802.1Q tagging mode. The default is 0 (automatic).
L2QVLAN VLAN ID of the voice VLAN. The default is 0.
LOGSRVR Syslog server IP or DNS address.
MTU_SIZE Maximum transmission unit size. Used to accommodate older Ethernet switches
that cannot support the longer maximum frame length of tagged frames (since
802.1Q adds 4 octets to the frame).
PHY1STAT Controls the Ethernet line interface speed. The default is 1 (auto-negotiate).
PHY2STAT Controls the secondary Ethernet interface speed. The default is 1
PROCPSWD Security string used to access local procedures. The default is 27238.
PROCSTAT Controls whether local procedures are enabled. The default is 0 (enabled).
SIPPROXYSRVR SIP proxy/registrar server IP or DNS address. (0 to 255 characters; zero or one IP
Address in dotted decimal or DNS name format, separated by commas without
any intervening spaces.) The default is null.
SNTPSRVR List of SNTP server IP or DNS address(es) u.sed to retrieve date and time via
TLSDIR Used as path name that is prepended to all file names used in HTTPS get
operations during initialization (0-127 character string).
TLSPORT Destination TCP port used for requests to https server (0-65535). The default is
TLSSRVR IP Address(es) or DNS name(s) of Avaya file server(s) used to download
configuration files.
Note: Transport Layer Security is used to authenticate the server.
VLANTEST Number of seconds to wait for a DHCPOFFER on a non-zero VLAN. The default
is 60 seconds.