Administering Telephone Options
78 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Administrator Guide SIP Release 2.0
DSTSTOP 1SunNov2L Used to identify stop date for automatic change to
Daylight Saving Time. Default string length with a format
of either odddmmmht or Dmmmht, where:
o = one character representing an ordinal adjective of "1"
(first), "2" (second), "3" (third), "4" (fourth) or "L" (last)
ddd = 3 characters containing the English abbreviation
for the day of the week
mmm = 3 characters containing the English abbreviation
for the month
h = one numeric digit representing the time to make the
adjustment, exactly on the hour at hAM (0h00 in military
format), where valid values of h are "0" through "9"
t = one character representing the time zone relative to
the adjustment where "L" is local time and U is universal
D = one or two ASCII digits representing the date of the
month from "1" or "01" to "31", or the character "L", which
means the last day of the month)
DTMF_PAYLOAD_TYPE 120 RTP dynamic payload used for RFC 2833 signaling.
Range is 96 to 127.
1 Determines whether the phone operates in a mode to
comply with 3rd party standard SIP proxy (provision of
SIPPING 19 feature) or the Avaya environment mode
(provision of SIP/AST features and use of PPM for
download and backup/restore). Valid values are:
0=Non-Avaya environment; 1=Avaya environment.
ENABLE_CALL_LOG 1 Enable or disable complete Call Log application. If
disabled no calls are logged, screens related to Call Log
are not displayed to user, and menu items of User
Interface to set Call Log options are not displayed.
Values are 0=disabled; 1=enabled.
ENABLE_CONTACTS 1 Enable or disable complete Contact application. If
disabled no contacts are downloaded during initialization
from PPM, screens related to Contacts application are
not displayed to user, and menu items of the User
Interface to set Contacts options are hidden. Values are
0=disabled; 1=enabled.
ENABLE_EARLY_MEDIA 1 Flag that indicates if SIP early is enabled. If enabled and
18x progress message includes early SDP, Spark uses
that information to open a VoIP channel to the far-end
before the call is answered. Values are 0=disabled;
ENABLE_G711A 1 Enable or disable G711A codec capability of the phone. If
the parameter is set to 1, the phone includes G711A
capability in an outbound INVITE request, and accepts
G711A when received in an incoming INVITE request.
Values are 0=disabled; 1=enabled.
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
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