Administering Telephone Options
76 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Administrator Guide SIP Release 2.0
COUNTRY USA Country of operation for specific dial tone generation.
COVERAGEADDR " " (Null) The URI to which call coverage is sent to in 3rd party
(non-Avaya) environments only.
CURRENT_SKIN " " (Null) Defines if a custom skin is currently selected (non-empty
string) or built-in default skin is used (empty string or not
set). If a custom skin is selected (non-empty string), this
value points to the corresponding skin resource definition
(i.e. contains a label as defined in "SKINS" configuration
parameter). Can also be set by the end user via Avaya
Menu Screen & Sounds option.
DATEFORMAT %m/%d/%y Formatting string defining how to display the date in the
top line and the call log.
2 Controls daylight saving setting. Values are:
0=daylight saving time is deactivated (no offset to local
1=daylight saving time is activated (offset to local time as
configured in "DSTOFFSET")
2=the device switches automatically to daylight saving
time and back according to the contents of "DSTSTART"
DHCPSTD 0 DHCP Standard lease violation flag. Indicates whether to
keep the IP Address if there is no response to lease
renewal. If set to “1” (No) the telephone strictly follows
the DHCP standard with respect to giving up IP
Addresses when the DHCP lease expires. If set to “0”
(Yes) the telephone continues using the IP Address until
it detects reset or a conflict (see DHCP Generic Setup
DIALPLAN " " (Null) Dial plan (in "non-PPM" format) Used to identify the end
of dialing information to accelerate dialing. Valid value is
0 to 1023 characters that define the dial plan.
DNSSRVR Text string containing the IP Address of zero or more
DNS servers, in dotted-decimal format, separated by
commas with no intervening spaces (0-255 ASCII
characters, including commas).
DOMAIN " " (Null) Text string containing the domain name to be used when
DNS names in system values are resolved into IP
Addresses. Valid values are 0-255 ASCII characters.
DOT1X 0 Defines the telephone's operational mode for IEEE
802.1X.Valid values are:
0 = Unicast Supplicant operation only, with PAE multicast
pass-through, but without proxy Logoff.
1= Unicast Supplicant operation only, with PAE multicast
pass-through and proxy Logoff.
2= Unicast or multicast Supplicant operation, without
PAE multicast pass-through or proxy Logoff.
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
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