Administering Options for the 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones
Issue 2 December 2007 87
PRESENCE_SERVER " " (Null) List of Presence Server IP or DNS address(es). This
value is used to access the server for presence
indications (in case of several entries first address
always first, etc.). In some environments the SIP proxy/
registrar may be different than the presence server. In
this case, the presence server is set via this parameter. If
both functions are provided by the same server, it is not
necessary to set PRESENCE_SERVER - the SIP proxy
server is accessed for server-based presence
indications. Zero 0 to 255 characters: zero or more IP
addresses in dotted decimal or DNS name format,
separated by commas without any intervening spaces.
When operating in a non-Avaya environment, this value
is "set via a SET command in the settings file. If this
value is not set, the SIP Proxy server address is used.
When not set via settings file, this value is retrieved via
PROCPSWD 27238 Text string containing the local (dialpad) procedure
password (Null or 1-7 ASCII digits). If set, password must
be entered immediately after accessing the Craft Access
Code Entry screen, either during initialization or when
Mute (or Contacts for the 9610) is pressed to access a
craft procedure. Intended to facilitate restricted access to
local procedures even when command sequences are
known. Password is viewable, not hidden.
PROCSTAT 0 Controls access to local (dialpad) administrative
procedures. Values are:
0 = Full access to craft local procedures
1 = restricted access to craft local procedures
2 Controls whether edited dialing is allowed and whether
on-hook dialing is disabled. Valid values are:
0 = Disable edit dialing. "Dialing Options" is not displayed
to the user so the user cannot change edit dialing; the
telephone defaults to on-hook dialing.
1 = Disable on-hook dialing and do not display "Dialing
Options" to the user so the user cannot change edit
dialing; the telephone defaults to edit dialing.
2 = Display "Dialing Options" to allow user to change
from on-hook to edit dialing. This is the default.
3 = Display "Dialing Options" to allow user to change
from edit dialing to on-hook dialing; the telephone
defaults to edit dialing.
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
14 of 21