3. Diagnostics Applications
6. I/M Readiness
I/M Readiness function is used to check the
operations of the emission systems. It is an
excellent function to use prior to having a vehicle
inspected for compliance to a state emissions
Some latest vehicle models may support two types
of I/M Readiness tests:
A. Since DTCs Cleared - indicates status of
monitors since the DTCs are erased.
B. This Drive Cycle - indicates status of
monitors since the beginning of the current
drive cycle.
Figure 3.51: OBD II-I/M Readiness Screen
7. O2 Mon. Test
The O2 Monitor Test function allows retrieval and
viewing of O2 sensor monitor test results for the
most recently performed tests from the vehicle's
on-board computer.
The O2 Monitor Test function is not supported by
vehicles which communicate using a controller
area network (CAN). For O2 Monitor Test results
of CAN-equipped vehicles, please refer to
“On-Board Mon. Test”.
The data can be saved to the SD card, or be
Figure 3.52: OBD II-O2 Mon. Test Screen
8. On-Board Mon. Test
The On-Board Monitor Test function allows you
to view the results of On-Board Monitor Tests.
The tests are useful after servicing or after erasing
a vehicle’s control module memory.
Figure 3.53: OBD II-On Board Mon. Test Screen
9. Component Test
The Component Test function allows you to
command the vehicle’s on-board computer to start
a leak test for the vehicle’s EVAP system.
Figure 3.54: OBD II-Component Test Screen