Configuring AquaLogic Commerce Services
40 BEA AquaLogic Commerce Services Deployment Guide
Velocity is used for UI html rendering in AquaLogic Commerce Services. The velocity.xml file
for configuring Velocity is located in the following application-specific paths.
• Storefront – <ALCS_APP_HOME>\commerceServices\WEB-
• Commerce Manager – <ALCS_APP_HOME>\commerceServicesManager\WEB-
Setting Velocity properties for a production environment
Changes made to velocity.xml should be applied to both the Storefront and Commerce Manager
Ensure that the cacheSeconds property is set to -1. When set to a positive value this property
allows you to change and test changes to message source resource files without having to restart
your application or servlet container. In production it is recommended that this property is
disabled and set to -1.
<bean id="globalMessageSource"
<property name="basenames">
<!-- Set cacheSeconds to -1 in Production Environment -->
<property name="cacheSeconds"><value>-1</value></property>
The following properties in util-config.xml (Storefront and Commerce Manager) should also be
set for optimal performance:
• file.resource.loader.cache - "true"
• velocimacro.library.autoreload - "false"
• velocimacro.messages.on - "false"
See the util-config.xml section for more details on these configuration options.
This configuration file contains the Spring configuration for utility classes. It is located in the
following application-specific paths.