WebLogic Portal Unified User Profile Plug-in
BEA AquaLogic Commerce Services Deployment Guide 15
2. Make the following modifications to startWebLogic.cmd in the bin directory of your
AquaLogic Commerce Services domain.
a) Add following line after “set ALREADY_STOPPED=true”:
call "%WLP_HOME%\thirdparty\autonomy-wlp92\autonomy.cmd" stop
b) Add the following lines after “set JAVA_OPTIONS=%SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS%”:
if "%WLP_SEARCH_OPTION%"=="" (
@REM If not set externally, this portal domain will start the
full Autonomy engine stack.
if "%WLP_SEARCH_OPTION%"=="full" (
start "Start Portal SearchEngine" /B cmd /c call
"%WLP_HOME%\thirdparty\autonomy-wlp92\autonomy.cmd" start
if "%WLP_SEARCH_OPTION%"=="minimal" (
start "Start Portal SearchEngine" /B cmd /c call
"%WLP_HOME%\thirdparty\autonomy-wlp92\autonomy.cmd" start
Installing the plug-in
Perform the following steps in a new or existing Workshop for a WebLogic Platform Portal Ear
1. If a Datasync project has not already been created in association with the EAR, create one
(right click, New > Datasync Project) and associate it with the EAR.
2. Copy
CommerceServices.usr to the userprofiles folder of your Datasync project
3. Enter Workshop's Project Explorer view (Window > Show View > Project Explorer) and
expand Enterprise Applications.
4. Expand the node relating to your Portal EAR
5. Expand the [WebLogic] node
6. Right-click WebLogic J2EE Libraries and choose Add
7. In the Add WebLogic J2EE Library reference window, click Browse
8. In the Select WebLogic J2EE Library window, click Add
9. In the Add WebLogic J2EE Library window, click Browse
10. Browse to the plug-in's
alcs-uup-lib-5.1.ear and click Open.
11. Click OK in the remaining open windows.
12. Deploy and run your Portal EAR as usual.
You should now be able to access the WebLogic Portal UUP in the Portal Administration