JNDI Configuration
BEA AquaLogic Commerce Services Deployment Guide 21
1. Log into the Commerce Manager
2. Click on Admin
3. Click on Import
4. Choose Select existing import job to run
5. Choose the first import job from the picklist called "01-SnapItUp"
6. Click Next
7. Choose Execute Import Now
8. Click Proceed and wait for the import job to finish
9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for each existing import job in the picklist, being sure to import
them in the order in which they are numbered (01, 02, 03, etc).
JNDI and JDBC Configuration
This section discusses how to configure your JNDI and JDBC settings to connect your application
server to your database.
JNDI Configuration
The default JNDI name used for the Elastic Path data source is “jdbc/epjndi”. This should not be
changed. If you must use a different JNDI name, you must change this in all locations where it is
listed in this document.
In addition, the JNDI name must be changed in the following places.
• <ALCS_APP_HOME>\commerceServices\WEB-INF\web.xml
• <ALCS_APP_HOME>\commerceServicesManager\WEB-INF\web.xml
• <ALCS_APP_HOME>\commerceServicesConnect\WEB-INF\web.xml
• <ALCS_APP_HOME>\commerceServices\WEB-
• <ALCS_APP_HOME>\commerceServicesManager\WEB-
• <ALCS_APP_HOME>\commerceServicesConnect\WEB-
JDBC Configuration
The configuration information for the different databases is listed in this section.