
Configuring AquaLogic Commerce Services
38 BEA AquaLogic Commerce Services Deployment Guide
Day of week field.
/ Increments. This character specifies increments of a value. For example 0/1 in the
Minute field in our example means every 1-minute increment of the minute field,
starting from 0.
L L is an abbreviation for Last. The meaning is a bit different in Day of month and Day
of week. When used in the Day of month field, it means the last day of the month
(31st of March, 28th or 29th of February, and so on). When used in Day of week, it
has the same value as 7---Saturday. The L special character is most useful when you
use it with a specific Day of week value. For example, 6L in the Day of week field
means the last Friday of each month.
# This value is allowed only for the Day of week field and it specifies the nth day in a
month. For example 1#2 means the first Monday of each month.
C[PD:*] The Calendar value is allowed for the Day of month and Day of week fields. The
values of days are calculated against a specified calendar. Specifying 20C in the Day
of month field fires the trigger on the first day included in the calendar on or after
the 20th. Specifying 6C in the Day of week field is interpreted as the first day
included in the calendar on or after Friday.
[PD:*]C At the time of writing, support for the C special character and specifying both Day of
week and Day of month values has not been not completed.
* info extracted from Pro Spring
Storefront Quartz Jobs
The Storefront has three configured Quartz Jobs:
IndexBuildJob – builds the Lucene search index
RulebaseCompileJob – builds the promotion rules
UpdateProductCacheJob – updates the product cache
Building the Lucene search index
Storefront index build scheduling should normally have a longer time lag to reduce overhead.
The default setting is to start the first build 60 seconds after the application server has started
and then build every hour.
In a development environment, you can disable the index build by setting the following flag
to true in the env.config file as follows.