
BEA AquaLogic Commerce Services Deployment Guide 31
1 - Use user's email as the user id, this is the default value. If you use JAAS, you can't use this
2 - Generates a unique permanent user id by appending a random four digit suffix to the email
address and uses this as the user id. The user id is created when the customer first creates an
account. Later, when the customer changes the email address, the user ID will not be changed.
For example, if a customer email address is a@a.com, the user id would be a@a.comXXXX,
where XXXX is a random generated string.
3 - Independent email and user id. This mode is not yet supported.
Customer Maintenance Mode
This setting indicates whether to add, delete and maintain user passwords through the Commerce
Manager. By default the customer password is maintained in the AquaLogic Commerce Services
database. If customers are authenticated through JAAS, ( e.g. authenticated in WebLogic Server)
the customer maintenance mode must be set to 2. This setting will only affect the Commerce
Manager, not the Storefront.
<property name="user.maintain.mode" value="1" />
The possible values are:
1 - Maintain user passwords in the local DB, this is the default value.
2 - Maintain user passwords through JAAS, the Commerce Manager will disable the create/delete
and change Password functions in this mode.
Payment Configuration
The payment gateway used by the Storefront is configured in the <payment> block within the
commerce-config.xml file as follows.
The checkout transaction behavior can be set to one of the following two values:
o authorization - When an order is placed, the payment will be pre-authorized only.
The payment will be captured later when the shipment for the goods is released.
This mode is typically used whenever a store sells shippable goods.
o sale - When an order is placed, the payment for the order will be captured
immediately. This mode is typically used when only digital goods can be
purchased in the store.
The <gateway> block specifies the fully-qualified class name of the payment processor to be
used, which must implement PaymentGateway.
o The names of supported card types are also specified in this block. Note that the
supported card types are for display only, since the payment processor
determines the card type from the card number.
o The ValidateCvv2 element determines whether the card security code should be
requested from the user and sent to the payment processor.