
BEA AquaLogic Commerce Services Deployment Guide 37
Position Meaning
Allowed Special
1 Seconds (0-59)
, - * /
2 Minutes (0-59)
, - * /
3 Hours (0-23)
, - * /
4 Day of month (1-31) , - * / ? L C
5 Month (either JAN-DEC or 1-12) , -
* /
6 Day of week (either SUN-SAT or 1-7) , - * / ? L C #
7 Year (optional, 1970-2099), when empty, full range is
, - * /
Each component accepts the typical range of values that you would expect, such as 0-59 for
seconds and minutes and 1-31 for day of the month. For the month and day of the week
components, you can use numbers, such as 1-7 for day of the week, or text such as SUN-SAT.
Each field also accepts a given set of special symbols, so placing a * in the hours component
means every hour, and using an expression such as 6L in the day-of-the-week component means
last Friday of the month. The table below describes cron wildcards and special symbols in detail.
Cron Expression Wildcards and Special Symbols:
* Any value. This special character can be used in any field to indicate that the value
should not be checked. Therefore, our example cron expression will be fired on any
day of the month, any month, and any day of the week between 1970 and 2099.
? No specific value. This special character is usually used with other specific values to
indicate that a value must be present but will not be checked.
- Range. For example 10-12 in the Hours field means hours 10, 11, and 12.
, List separator. Allows you to specify a list of values, such as MON, TUE, WED in the