Configuring AquaLogic Commerce Services
26 BEA AquaLogic Commerce Services Deployment Guide
<value>3in. & Up</value>
<display language="fr">
<value>3in. et Plus</value>
The attribute range filter also has the "key" property and "localized" property. Each "range" tag
represents one range, which may have the "lower" value and "upper" value set. If the "lower"
value is not set, then there is no minimum allowed value for the attribute filter. If the "upper"
value is not set, then the there is no maximum allowed value for the attribute filter.
The "display" tag contains the information to display the filter on the guided navigation links.
Price Filter
This defines the range value for the price. It starts with the "Price" tag. The range filter can have
subranges defined.
<price currency="USD" localized="false">
<range lower="" upper="100" id="_100">
<display language="en">
<value>Under $100</value>
<display language="fr">
<value>au-dessous de $100</value>
<range lower="100" upper="300" id="100_300">
<display language="en">
<value>$100 to $300</value>
<display language="fr">
<value>$100 et $300</value>
<range lower="100" upper="200" id="100_200">