
Configure SSL (Optional)
BEA AquaLogic Commerce Services Deployment Guide 9
You may need to restart your WebLogic Server before you can successfully
commit changes when setting up a JDBC Connection
Configure SSL (Optional)
This section explains how to manually setup SSL for the admin server if you have not already set
it up with the configuration wizard.
1. On the left hand side, click the Lock and Edit button under the Change Center.
2. Under your domain in the Domain Structure tree, expand Environment > Servers.
3. Click on your admin server name AdminServer(admin) in the Servers section (the default
demo admin server name is “CommerceServicesDemoServer”).
4. In the General Configurations window check the SSL Listen Port Enabled box and ensure
that the ports correspond to the ones setup in the acegi.xml file as per the Set Up AquaLogic
Commerce Services section.