Viewing an Entire Frame Relay Configuration
480 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Circuit Traffic Type The type determines the traffic class.
ubr (Unspecified Bit Rate)—This is a best-effort class
of traffic that is best suited for LAN. When network
congestion occurs, the data is stored in a buffer until
it can be sent.
cbr (Constant Bit Rate)—This traffic class carries a
guaranteed constant bandwidth. It is best suited for
applications that require fixed bandwidth, such as
uncompressed voice, video, and circuit emulation.
CBR is a Quality of Service class defined by the ATM
Forum for ATM network.
nrt-vbr (non-real-time Variable Bit Rate
)—This traffic
class carries variable bandwidth. It is well suited for
data services such as frame relay over ATM which
requires guaranteed bandwidth and lower Quality of
Service. It is not well suited for LAN traffic due to the
unpredictability of LAN traffic burst size.
rt-vbr (real-time Variable Bit Rate)—This traffic class
carries a variable bandwidth. It is well suited for
real-time services such as compressed voice and
video which require stringent cell transfer latency and
less bursty traffic. It is not well suited for LAN traffic
due to the unpredictability of LAN traffic burst size.
Circuit DLCI The Data Link Connection Identifier (range: 16-991).
Circuit Excess Burst The Excess Burst value, which is the maximum
number of uncommitted data bits that the network will
attempt to deliver (range: 0-144000).
Circuit Committed Burst The Committed Burst value, which is the maximum
number of data bits that the network agrees to transfer
under normal conditions during the measurement
interval (range: 0-144000).
Circuit Throughput The circuit Throughput (committed information rate)
value in seconds (range: 0-144000).
FRF.5 Rx LP Mode The Rx LP Mode, which determines the loss priority
settings when transmitting from ATM to frame relay.
1—The frame relay header DE field is set if the CLP
field of one or more ATM cells of a frame is set to 1 or
if the FR-SSCS PDU header DE field is set to 1.
2—The frame relay header DE field is copied into the
FR-SSCS PDU header DE field, independent of the
ATM CLP field value received.
Status Box Description