Chapter 13: Monitoring Network Connections
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 289
You can monitor DS3 current performance and performance history, by port or for all ports at
once. You monitor DS3 performance from the ::stats=> prompt. From the ::root=>
prompt, type the following command then press to display the ::stats=> prompt.
display stats
Type the ds3 command in the following format, then press .
ds3 [<port> [-interval (number>|all>)]]
The port for which you want to view performance (format slot.port).
[-interval (<number>|all)]
The number of the 15-minute data collection interval for which the performance data
is displayed. Type -interval all to display performance data for all intervals in
the past 24 hours. Omitting this parameter displays the current and 24-hour DS3
performance data for the specified port. You cannot specify this parameter unless you
specified a value for the <port> parameter.
Omitting both the port and -interval commands displays current and 24-hour DS3 performance
data for all ports.